Why Dropbox vs Onedrive and Sharepoint – Pros and Cons

This is a question we get asked is why do we choose Dropbox over Onedrive?
We are a Microsoft Silver Partner so wouldn’t it make sense to just sell the Onedrive/Sharepoint solution

We have been told by our clients, that we have converted from Sharepoint/Onedrive to Dropbox, that the experience is a lot easier for staff and so much better in a number of aspects. (costs aside)

Here’s an overview of why we deploy Dropbox Business over OneDrive & SharePoint:


Generally speaking, the Dropbox client just works.

This is extremely important to us. A Dropbox keynote speaker once commented: “Dropbox doesn’t just keep files in sync, it keeps teams in sync.” It’s marketing talk, but it makes sense.

When the tool that keeps your team in sync doesn’t work reliably, not only can you lose trust in it, but you can lose trust in your team. You’ll never know if the reason the files aren’t there is because the syncing isn’t working, or because your team members haven’t done their job. And when it does come back online, are all the changes and files there? Are there conflicts? How will we know without checking each affected device and team member? It may seem trivial, but in our experience, the emotional impact of an unreliable sync client is a very real thing.

Ease of Use

Dropbox eases the digital transformation curve for users who are familiar with working via Windows Explorer or Mac Finder. Users can take advantage of the improved mobility, security and external collaboration features at their own pace.

The New Dropbox Desktop App is good

The new Dropbox Desktop App actually works quite well. It has a familiar file explorer/finder layout with additional enhancements that make it easier for employees to collaborate and comment on files and turn folders into productive workspaces called Dropbox Spaces.

Single Sign-on is simple to use

Single Sign-on allows users to use their Office 365 account to log into multiple services. If a user is signed into their computer with Office 365, they can sign into the Dropbox App or website without needing to re-enter their credentials. Granted, this is also the case for OneDrive and SharePoint, but we are often asked about how seamless Dropbox’s integration is.

Simple sharing

Dropbox has an easy sharing interface, in the browser, on the desktop and using mobile apps.

  • On the desktop, users can right-click on folders, click Share and send off an invitation to collaborate on the file or folder.
  • In the browser, users can mouse over a file or folder, click Share and do the same.
  • In mobile apps, users can tap the menu icon under each file or folder to share with anyone.

Office 365 and GSuite support

Dropbox supports both Microsoft’s Office Online and Google GSuite web apps to allow for the creation and editing of documents from anywhere. Users who work on files via the browser in Office 365 or GSuite will see little difference when switching to Dropbox Business.

Dropbox PDF with more information from Dropbox