Warranty provider expected to go bust.

(Dont worry as Sterling IT do NOT use these people)

Australian hardware resellers are lashing out at warranty provider United Warranties as concerns over the company’s future mount.

The warranty provider has in recent weeks lost several large accounts including department stores Myer and Big W due in part to confusion surrounding the company’s financial situation.

Reseller partners report United has gone to ground in the last two weeks, with attempts to contact the warranty provider met with silence. Multiple efforts by CRN to contact the company have also failed.

With widespread industry speculation the company is on the brink of collapse, partners are growing increasingly concerned over unpaid debt owed to them by the warranty provider.

Mobile computer reseller Portacom is one of many aggrieved United Warranties partners. The company held a long-term relationship with the warranty provider for extended warranties and repairs until a year ago.

General manager Andrew Van Leen told CRN Portacom ended the partnership because United Warranties had become too difficult to deal with.

The warranty provider still owes Portacom $7000, a sum Van Leen had been chasing until UW stopped returning his calls last week.

“I’ve made multiple calls to their generally listed numbers, direct calls to sales reps, we’ve left multiple messages, and we’ve gotten no answers at all,” he said.

Van Leen did have one phone call answered, from Teyghan Stadelbauer, who is listed as the company’s national sales director. Stadelbauer told Van Leen “everything is fine and the company is still going strong”.

“But in the second half of the conversation, she said she didn’t work there anymore, didn’t know what was going on and couldn’t help us,” Van Leen said.

Stadelbauer’s mobile voicemail and LinkedIn profile identifies her as an employee of United Warranties. She did not respond to multiple attempts at contact by CRN.

Victoria-based PC reseller Standard Computers Australia will be out of pocket around $10,000 should United Warranties go under.

Store manager Chris Sambell has been attempting to recoup his losses from the company but said situations such as this are part and parcel of the business.

“Unfortunately it’s not unusual for warranty companies to go out of business,” he said. “The fact that we can’t get hold of them tells us they’re going into administration.”

Sambell estimates his company has 30 – 40 new warranty orders waiting to be filled, and 150 out in the marketplace, with lifespans of up to five years.

In addtion to being concerned about the debt owed to him, Sambell expressed apprehension about the massive flow-on effect United Warranties’ expected liquidation would have on the industry.

“The ideal thing about these guys was they weren’t as expensive as a manufacturer’s warranty,” he said. “We’ll probably have to convince customers to go down that route and pay more for a manufacturers’ warranty.”

“We’ll honour the repair and the cost to get the device back to the customer, but it’s hard enough in the industry as it is to then have to explain to the customer they have to fork out money to get their faulty product back to us.”

It’s not just bricks and mortar resellers affected by the fallout. Online PC retailer Tech4U was heavily embedded with United Warranties until recently, when the company began to suspect something wasn’t right and stopped ordering its products.

“We spend a fair bit of money with them,” sales supervisor Fred Porter toldCRN. “They even came out and visited us recently and said not to worry should they go under, because they are constantly sitting on a pile of millions should something happen.”

That was six months ago. United Warranties has been less enthusiastic about reassuring its partner in recent weeks.

“Usually we go through a dedicated account manager, and they’ve stopped replying,” Porter said. “We got a reply from head office two weeks ago that redirected us through to no-one, the regional manager’s mobile has been off for two weeks and we’ve sent emails everywhere and haven’t heard back.”

Tech4U has stopped recommending the company to its customers and has taken references to United Warranties and its products off its website.

United Warranties’ ABN is still listed as active, and has a ‘registered’ status with the Australian Securities and Investments Commission. ASIC did not respond to request for information by the time of publication.

United Warranties commenced local trading in 1996 and later established a presence in New Zealand.

Gary Kovacs: Tracking the trackers

As you surf the Web, information is being collected about you. Web tracking is not 100% evil — personal data can make your browsing more efficient; cookies can help your favorite websites stay in business. But, says Gary Kovacs, it’s your right to know what data is being collected about you and how it affects your online life. He unveils a Firefox add-on to do just that.

Gary Kovacs is the CEO of the Mozilla Corporation, where he directs the development of Firefox.

Take a look at his video :


Recommended Urgent Updates 11th May 2012




Alert Services Advisory

Microsoft Recommends Important Updates

11 May 2012

Microsoft has updated its May 3 security bulletin with an additional May 8 bulletin featuring a significant number of updates. This includes critical fixes affecting MS Office and Windows XP, Vista and 2007. It is recommended that you update your system.
Software and platforms affected
Microsoft Office 2003 Service Pack 3

Microsoft Office 2007 Service Pack 2

Microsoft Office 2007 Service Pack 3

Microsoft Office 2010 (32-bit editions)

Microsoft Office 2010 Service Pack 1 (32-bit editions)


Microsoft Office 2008 for Mac

Microsoft Office for Mac 2011


Microsoft Excel Viewer

Microsoft Visio Viewer 2010


Microsoft Office Compatibility Pack Service Pack 2

Microsoft Office Compatibility Pack Service Pack 3


Windows XP Service Pack 3

Windows XP Professional x64 Edition Service Pack 2


Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 2

Windows Server 2003 x64 Edition Service Pack 2

Windows Server 2003 with SP2 for Itanium-based Systems


Windows Vista Service Pack 2

Windows Vista x64 Edition Service Pack 2


Windows Server 2008 for 32-bit Systems Service Pack 2

Windows Server 2008 for x64-based Systems Service Pack 2

Windows Server 2008 for Itanium-based Systems Service Pack 2


Windows 7 for 32-bit Systems

Windows 7 for 32-bit Systems Service Pack 1

Windows 7 for x64-based Systems


Windows Server 2008 R2 for x64-based Systems

Windows Server 2008 R2 for x64-based Systems Service Pack 1

Windows Server 2008 R2 for Itanium-based Systems

Windows Server 2008 R2 for Itanium-based Systems Service Pack 1

Windows Server 2008 for 32-bit Systems Service Pack 2

Windows Server 2008 for x64-based Systems Service Pack 2

Windows Server 2008 R2 for x64-based Systems

Windows Server 2008 R2 for x64-based Systems Service Pack 1


Microsoft Silverlight 4

Microsoft Silverlight 5

What is the problem?
Microsoft identifies some of these vulnerabilities as critical, including those for Office and Office for Mac, and Windows XP, Visa and Windows 7 operating systems.


An attacker who successfully exploits these vulnerabilities could gain access to your system.

What we recommend you do
Ensure these platforms and applications are up to date. Download and install updates.

Setting up automatic updates will save you time and reduce the risk to you and your files.


For PC:

Use your Start Menu to check for updates. Windows Update is included in Control Panel.

Or click the Start button, click All Programs, and then click Windows Update.


For Mac:

Open an Office application. Click Help, click Check for Updates.


Important information regarding DNSChanger malware – SSO-AL2012-010

21 March 2012

Software and platform affected

Windows (all versions)
Mac OS X (all versions)

What is the problem?

Malware which alters a computer’s DNS (Domain Name System) settings, known as “DNSChanger” malware, has been in circulation for some time. DNS is an Internet service which translates user-friendly domain names (e.g. ssoalertservice.net.au) into the numerical Internet Protocol (IP) addresses (e.g. which are used by computers to communicate with each other. By infecting a victim’s computer with this type of malware, criminals are able to alter the DNS settings on a user’s computer. By controlling the DNS settings on victim’s computer, criminals force the infected computers to communicate with “bad” or “rogue” DNS servers, rather than legitimate “good” DNS servers. The criminals can then use these “bad” or “rogue” DNS servers to redirect the unsuspecting users to fraudulent websites or interfere with a user’s web browsing. For example, if a user’s computer is infected with the DNSChanger malware, a! nd the user enters “google.com” in their web browser, rather than take the user to the legitimate “google.com” website, they would be taken to a fraudulent website instead.

In November 2011, the FBI uncovered a network of rogue DNS servers and took steps to disable them. However, by disabling the rogue DNS network, victims who are infected by the DNSChanger malware could lose access to DNS services entirely. To address this issue, the FBI developed a private-sector, non-government entity to operate and maintain clean DNS servers for the infected victims for a temporary period. As of July 9th 2012 the FBI will no longer be operating this service; computers that are infected with the DNSChanger malware could lose access to DNS services, preventing access to the Internet, including access to legitimate websites.

What we recommend you do

The Australian Government has created a diagnostic website which will, in most cases, confirm whether or not a user’s computer is infected with DNSChanger malware: Australian Government DNSChanger Diagnostic

The FBI has provided a PDF document with detailed instructions (including screenshots) to manually check the DNS settings on both Windows and Mac OS X based computers: FBI DNSChanger Malware Document

As a minimum step, we recommend that you click on the Australian Government’s diagnostic website and see whether it displays a green box with the words, “You do not appear to be affected by DNSChanger”.

Then, if you want to be more certain that this diagnosis is correct, it is also recommended that you follow the detailed instructions in the FBI’s PDF document to help to determine whether your computer is infected with DNSChanger. You should also perform a thorough virus-scan of your computer using an up-to-date virus scanner to ensure that it is not infected with the DNSChanger malware.

If you do find that have been infected with the DNSChanger malware, you should seek professional assistance to ensure that the malware is removed successfully.

Additionally, this factsheet contains instructions to help detect and remove malware:

Factsheet 11, Parts 1-3, You suspect your computer is infected with malicious software – what should I do?

Where you can find more information

The Australian Government has also provided some additional information regarding the DNSChanger Malware here: DNSChanger Information

The FBI has also provided further information regarding internet fraud associated with the DNSChanger Malware here: Manhattan U.S. Attorney Charges Seven Individuals for Engineering Sophisticated Internet Fraud Scheme That Infected Millions of Computers Worldwide and Manipulated Internet Advertising Business



This Alert has been prepared by AusCERT for the Department of Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy.

The information is intended for use by home users and small to medium sized businesses and is general information only and not intended as advice and was accurate and up to date at the time of publishing. The material and information in this Alert is not adapted to any particular person’s circumstances and therefore cannot be relied upon to be of assistance in any particular case. In any important matter, you should seek professional advice relevant to your own circumstances.

The Commonwealth, AusCERT, and all other persons associated with this Alert accept no responsibility or liability for information either included or referred to in the Alert. No responsibility or liability is accepted for any damage, loss or expense incurred as a result of the information contained in the Alert, whether by way of negligence or otherwise.

The listing of a person or organisation in any part of this site or Alert does not imply any form of endorsement by the Commonwealth of the products or services provided by that person or organisation. Similarly, links to other web sites have been inserted for your convenience and do not constitute endorsement of material at those sites, or any associated organisation, product or service.

Please note that material in this Alert, as the case may be, includes views or recommendations of third parties, which do not necessarily reflect the views of the Commonwealth, or indicate its commitment to particular course of action. Material on this site or in this Alert may also include information provided by third parties. The Commonwealth cannot verify the accuracy of information that has been provided by third parties.

Apple releases iTunes 10.5

Apple releases iTunes 10.5 – SSO-AD2011-030.

12 October 2011

Software and platforms affected

The following software is affected

Apple iTunes prior to version 10.5

for the following operating system platforms:

Windows XP SP2

Windows Vista

Windows 7

What is the problem?

There is a bug in Apple iTunes software which, if not fixed, could result in your computer being attacked by criminals. Your personal and/or business information may be accessed for fraudulent or illegal purposes (eg, identity theft). Apple iTunes might crash and become unusable.

What we recommend you do

The problem can be easily fixed by updating to the latest version of the Apple iTunes software by starting iTunes, and clicking “Check for Update”. Alternatively, the latest version of Apple iTunes can be downloaded from the following location:


Where you can find more information

More information about these security bugs can be found here:



This Advisory has been prepared by AusCERT for the Department of Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy.

The information is intended for used by home users and small to medium sized businesses and is general information only and not intended as advice and was accurate and up to date at the time of publishing. The material and information in this Advisory is not adapted to any particular person’s circumstances and therefore cannot be relied upon to be of assistance in any particular case. In any important matter, you should seek professional advice relevant to your own circumstances.

The Commonwealth, AusCERT, and all other persons associated with this Advisory accept no responsibility or liability for information either included or referred to in the Advisory. No responsibility or liability is accepted for any damage, loss or expense incurred as a result of the information contained in the Advisory, whether by way of negligence or otherwise.

The listing of a person or organisation in any part of this site or Advisory does not imply any form of endorsement by the Commonwealth of the products or services provided by that person or organisation. Similarly, links to other web sites have been inserted for your convenience and do not constitute endorsement of material at those sites, or any associated organisation, product or service.

Please note that material in this Advisory, as the case may be, includes views or recommendations of third parties, which do not necessarily reflect the views of the Commonwealth, or indicate its commitment to particular course of action. Material on this site or in this Advisory may also include information provided by third parties. The Commonwealth cannot verify the accuracy of information that has been provided by third parties


Fake emails pretending to be from the Department of Broadband – SSO-AD2011-029

30 September 2011
Software and platforms affected
The following operating system platforms:
What is the problem?
Various spam emails are circulating which are designed to trick users into visiting a website. This site could be used to gather personal information (identity theft) or infect your computer with malicious software.

The subject lines of the email include, but are not limited to (some random number codes have been replaces with 0’s):
Important Information Regarding Your Broadband Account
The from lines of the email include, but are not limited to (some random number codes have been replaces with 0’s):
Department of Broadband <acc-upgrade@dbcde.gov.au>
The emails contain a link which should not be visited.
A sample email is listed below (there may be others):
========== Start Sample Email ==========

Broadband Internet Spam Quarantine Notification
Dear Subscriber,
You have recieved this email because some of your mails suspected of being spam
have been quarantined.
We are sending you this message directly because,we have been receiving
messages from our registered service providers regarding complaints from their
subscribers on anonymous use of their Email accounts. In this effect,we are
deactivating Email Accounts and your account is among those to be deactivated
because,we believe that your account online user profile may have been
A new security have been added to our broadband to avoid unauthorize use of
accounts and to give subscribers a better service.In other to avoid the
deactivation of your account, you will have to verify and upgrade your e-mail
to our new added security.
Click the Release link below and select your service provider
If the requisite upgrade is not made by 31.09.2011, we reserves the right to
close your broadband account without further notice in this regard
We apologise for any inconvenience. This message is purely as a result of our
determination to provide you with the best possible service.
Department of Broadband,
Communications and the Digital Economy

========== End Sample Email ==========
What we recommend you do
If you receive an email similar to the above emails, do not click on the link in the email. Delete the email straight away.

If you have already clicked the link, it is quite possible your computer may now be infected.  It is recommended you seek professional assistance in helping detect and remove the malware.

Make sure you have anti-virus software installed and keep it updated.
Additionally, this factsheet contains instructions to help detect and remove malware:
Factsheet 11, Parts 1-3, You suspect your computer is infected with malicious software – what should I do?
This Advisory has been prepared by AusCERT for the Department of Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy.
The information is intended for used by home users and small to medium sized businesses and is general information only and not intended as advice and was accurate and up to date at the time of publishing. The material and information in this Advisory is not adapted to any particular person’s circumstances and therefore cannot be relied upon to be of assistance in any particular case. In any important matter, you should seek professional advice relevant to your own circumstances.
The Commonwealth, AusCERT, and all other persons associated with this Advisory accept no responsibility or liability for information either included or referred to in the Advisory. No responsibility or liability is accepted for any damage, loss or expense incurred as a result of the information contained in the Advisory, whether by way of negligence or otherwise.
The listing of a person or organisation in any part of this site or Advisory does not imply any form of endorsement by the Commonwealth of the products or services provided by that person or organisation. Similarly, links to other web sites have been inserted for your convenience and do not constitute endorsement of material at those sites, or any associated organisation, product or service.
Please note that material in this Advisory, as the case may be, includes views or recommendations of third parties, which do not necessarily reflect the views of the Commonwealth, or indicate its commitment to particular course of action. Material on this site or in this Advisory may also include information provided by third parties. The Commonwealth cannot verify the accuracy of information that has been provided by third parties.