Netregistry Email Issues 28.9.2015

29.9.2015 09:15
Problem has reoccured and has been escalated to Netregistry again
( Service Status – currently showing all GREEN however it is a known issue as Sterling is not the first company to call it in)

28.9.2015 11:05
Problem rectified

28.9.2015 10:45
Netregistry is encountering email delivery issues.
People sending emails to your domain may get rejected and bounce.
Netregistry is currently looking into this.


Google’s public DNS goes offline 14th Oct 2014

Australian, NZ and SE Asian users affected.

Google’s public domain name system (DNS) service went offline yesterday in South East Asia and Australia/New Zealand regions, affecting a large number of users in the area.

Around 10pm AEST, users at the Whirlpool forum reported problems with reaching the Google DNS resolvers at the and Internet Protocol (IP) addresses and complained of experiencing packet loss.

The outage was confirmed by Yunhong Gu, the team lead of Google’s public DNS, who said the service was off-air for around half an hour at 1100 hours UTC.

Gu did not say what caused the problem, but a source at an Internet provider said traffic to the Google DNS servers took unusual long routes, going via Sydney to the United States, which in turn suggests a configuration change was being rolled out.

Google’s free to use public DNS service is used by a large number of organisations. In March last year, the company boasted that it served replies to 130 billion queries on average, peaking at 150 billion, from more than 70 millon unique IP addresses.

Just over a year ago, Google’s DNS service dropped out worldwide, causing web site loading to time out, as users’ systems were unable to translate domain names into IP addresses.

The public DNS service was briefly also rerouted in March this year, thanks to a configuration mistake by telco BT’s South American subsidiary.

Around the same time, Google also encountered an unspecified and unrelated issue when its Apps admin console refreshed continuously on loading.

That problem lasted about an hour, with Google apologising to Apps users for the inconvenience and assuring them that system reliability is a top priority at the web services provider.

Google has been contacted for comment.


Source :

SITCLOUD Datacentre Migration for all Hosted Services

Due to client and services growth, our provider of SITCLOUD has made the decision to migrate a large portion of its services to a bigger data centre, this will increase our data centre footprint but it will also provide us better flexibility and improved data centre services.

For a virtual view of the new data centre please click on the below link, for those interested in seeing the data centre that can be arranged post migration;


A very careful migration strategy has been formulated so as to reduce the requirement for outages, however outages are required and will be used to relocate these services but also further enhance the functionality with software updates and network upgrades.


The following System Maintenance periods will occur.


Microsoft Exchange will be unaffected for outage 1 and 2

Outage Period 1  – 13/08/2014

Services Affected:

VPS and Terminal Server Hosting in our datacentre

Microsoft CRM Hosting

Microsoft Lync Hosting

Microsoft SharePoint Hosting

Active Directory Authentication

Virtual Desktop Hosting

We anticipate an approximate outage of 10-15 Minutes for each service during this day in preparation if any preparation is required and server needs a restart. Networking will also be changing at this time to cater for the new datacentre.

We will be doing this one customer and service at a time.


Outage Period 2 – 16-17/08/2014

Services Affected:

Legacy VPS and Server Hosting

You will be migrated to our new infrastructure and will be individually contacted in preparation for the datacentre move.


Outage Period 3 – TBA we anticipate 13th to the 14th September for this move.

All Systems will have interruptions for 2-6 Hours. Some systems will have minimal outage however we may encounter issues along with this complex move but will do our best to avoid them.

Public IP Addresses will be changed on ALL Systems and you will be notified of the exact crossover times and details well before this happens, these clients will be contacted direct and will be provided a scope of works outlining the services effected and the outage window.

If you have any questions or concerns please contact us and we will be happy to answer any questions you may have.

Email Outage 24.4.2014

14:15 : This is a notice to state that there is very slow response times on SITCloud due to a storm of email on the servers.
It is under investigation and services should be returned shortly.

15:30 : Services restored. – Please contact our office if still having issues. – Full Details provided in direct email.

SITCLOUD Email Outage 4.4.14

There is a current outage happening from 3AM on SITCLOUD, and was resolved at 9AM.

Emails will be slow coming in until queues completed. Any questions please call our office.

UPDATE: Email from upstream provider with cause, resolution and fix.

From: Peter Black
Sent: Friday, 4 April 2014 12:51 PM
To: cloud
Subject: Unplanned Outage – Exchange
Importance: High

Good morning

This morning 3 am Data Outsource experiences a major outage with the Exchange Services.

At 6 am the Exchange Team had fully identified and started work in rectifying this issue and had to make emergency changes and by 9 am this was available again. By 10am  the queue was clear and emails functioning as normal.

On behalf of my team and myself I strongly apologise for this service outage.


Why did this service fail?

As you may be aware be brought this service online in the last Month due to the closure of the Singapore platform with very little notice. Since then we have been working long hours to get this Service as Highly Available as possible. The Load balancer and Replication Service was pending Hardware which is 3 weeks late and due to arrive Monday. This should stop the 2 failures from happening again in future as further redundancy will be there.


What is planned to stop this issue in future?

A second load balancer due Monday and new hardware will double the redundancy of the system and strongly minimise the possibility of an outage.
If you have any further questions please feel free to contact me.


Thank You
Wayne Taylor – CIO